L to R: Prof. Caren Tischendorf, (Dean of the Faculty of Math. and Natural Sciences); Dr. Henry Marx (State Secretary for Science and Research); Prof. Dr. Julia von Blumenthal (President HU Berlin); Senator Dr. Ina Czyborra (Senator for Higher Education and Research); Prof. Dr. Stefan Hecht (Director CSMB); Photo: Stefan Klenke – HU Berlin
We had the honor of hosting Senator Dr. Ina Czyborra and State Secretary Dr. Henry Marx (both Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health and Long-Term Care) for a visit to the Center for the Science of Materials Berlin (CSMB).
During the visit on August 28, Prof. Stefan Hecht guided a tour through the collaborative lab, joined by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin president Julia von Blumenthal and dean Caren Tischendorf, where they explored the impressive glovebox cluster. The delegation also had the opportunity to view the advanced TEM microscope under the guidance of Prof. C.T. Koch — part of our unique microscopy cluster beam.
The visit continued with a poster session, showcasing various projects focusing on Data in Science, including e.g. beam, FAIRmat, NOMAD, CRC FONDA, MATH+, and the Perovskite Database. The presentations were further enhanced by engaging pitch talks from Markus Scheidgen, Christoph T. Koch, Ulf Leser, Tilmann Hickel, and Eva Unger, which sparked insightful discussions.
Senator Czyborra’s thoughtful questions highlighted her expertise and strong interest in these topics. The visit concluded with a tour of the vibrant Adlershof campus.
We are grateful for the Senator’s visit and the opportunity to share our pioneering work in hashtag#materials_science and data-driven research.

At the UPX-chamber
S. Hecht, I. Czyborra, J. v.Blumenthal & H. Marx
Photo: S.Klenke

Discussions at poster session
front: J. v.Blumenthal & E. Unger
background: C.T. Koch & C. Tischendorf

E. Unger explains challanges in data science
front: J.v. Blumethal, I. Czyborra & H. Marx