
CSMB connects with society and industry through educational programs that apply research to real-world challenges.
Collaborating with external institutions enhances material research by sharing resources with universities and industrial partners.
Diverse collaborations across disciplines foster innovation, blending expertise in design, engineering, biology, and cultural sciences.
In its mission to connect with society and industry, CSMB actively engages in education and knowledge transfer. By offering a variety of programs to both the public and its members, the institute bridges the gap between research and practical applications, ensuring that cutting-edge material discoveries benefit not only the scientific community but also society and various industries.
Collaboration with external institutions is a cornerstone of our work. By sharing infrastructure and resources, we build strong partnerships with universities, research centers, and industrial organizations. This collaborative approach amplifies the impact of material research, making it more accessible and relevant to a broader scientific community.
We thrive on cross-fertilization with diverse disciplines and cultures. Through collaborative projects, researchers at the institute share insights with experts in design, engineering, cultural sciences, biology, and more, creating an innovative blend of knowledge that fosters new ideas and sparks interdisciplinary breakthroughs.
CSMB connects with society and industry through educational programs that apply research to real-world challenges.
Collaborating with external institutions enhances material research by sharing resources with universities and industrial partners.
Diverse collaborations across disciplines foster innovation, blending expertise in design, engineering, biology, and cultural sciences.